Nous savons, du reste, que toutes choses concourent au bien de ceux qui aiment Dieu, de ceux qui sont appelés selon son dessein. Romains 8:28

# 130

You Have Girded Me With Strength

2.Sam 22:40-41

You have girded me with strength
To do battle in your name
Those that rose up against me
You have subdued under me.

You have given me the necks
Of all my enemies
And I shall destroy
All them that hate thee and me
And I shall destroy them.

# 130

Silou si ma opásal

2. Samuelova 22:40-41

Silou si ma opásal,
v boji verne pri me stál.
Nepriatelov zahubil,
svoje meno vyvýšil.

Pyšných tvár si pokoril,
na prach zeme obrátil.
Tak chválim Ťa, Pán,
silný Boh a Ježiš Král,
že si štítom a útočišťom nám.